Fraser Forum

Economic Freedom

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Economic freedom waning in Quebec and across Canada

Bill 96 will likely help drive businesses away from the province.

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Are some provinces and states too big to succeed?

Subnational jurisdictions of around 9.5 million people seem to be the fastest-growing economies.

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Hope springs eternal for freedom worldwide
The Chinese Communist Party has intensified its attack on freedom at home and abroad.

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Deep flaw in EU architecture can erase pro-market reforms

The European Union enjoyed its pinnacle of influence after the Soviet Union collapsed.

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An Open Letter to the People of Hong Kong

An international group of think tanks from 35 nations and territories from around the world has penned an open letter condemning the actions of the Communist Party of China and supporting the people of Hong Kong. On Tuesday, China’s National People’s Congress passed its controversial national security law, which violates Hong Kong’s Basic Law and encroaches on the city’s freedoms and liberties. The letter, which details Hong Kong’s success since the Second World War in becoming one of the most prosperous, entrepreneurial, and freest places on earth, is signed by 37 member organizations of the Economic Freedom of the World Network, which is led by Canada’s Fraser Institute.

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China looks to douse freedom in Hong Kong

Hongkongers have enjoyed the highest level of personal freedom in the world, according to the Human Freedom Index.

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Baltic states continue march towards markets despite rocky road

The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania unreservedly embraced economic freedom since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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Human freedom waning in many countries

The index spotlights fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, religion, association and assembly.

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‘Mini Schengen’—moving toward freedom and markets

There’s no need to wait for EU membership to increase the level of freedom in these countries.

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Socialism produces misery, starvation, death—and bad beer

Central planners lack the knowledge and incentives to respond to consumer wants and needs.

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