debt interest

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Debt interest costs threaten sustainability of federal finances

According to forecasts, Ottawa's annual debt interest costs will eclipse $50 billion by 2028.

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Provinces accept federal money at their peril

Rising interest rates will put additional pressure on federal finances.

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Government debt interest costs rising across Canada

Federal debt interest costs will reach a forecasted $43.9 billion in 2023/24.

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New Brunswick government should target government wages to save money
Government workers in the province take more days off for personal reasons than their private-sector counterparts.

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COVID-style deficits now completely misguided

The Ontario government projects a $19.9 billion deficit this year and continued deficits until 2027-28.

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Future generations of Canadians will pay for today’s deficit spending

The federal government projects a $52.8 billion budget deficit for 2022/23.