federal government spending

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Spending sprees by governments across Canada help fuel inflation and high interest rates

Between 2024/25 and 2027/28, the federal government has increased projected spending by $30.7 billion more than previously forecasted.

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Federal government keeps violating self-imposed fiscal rules

The federal debt-to-GDP ratio will increase to 42.4 per cent in 2023-24 then climb higher in 2024-25.

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Federal government maintains high levels of spending and abandons fiscal anchor

Projected federal spending from 2024 to 2027 is now $30.7 billion higher than previous forecasts.

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Federal government poised to pile on more spending and debt

Since 2014/15, federal government debt interest costs have nearly doubled.

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Federal government’s record-breaking spending saddles Canadians with huge debt

By the end of this fiscal year, the federal government will have racked up $591.9 billion in debt since 2015.

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PBO report underscores Ottawa’s irresponsible spending spree

Federal spending in 2023/24 will increase by $5.6 billion more than the government’s previous projection.

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Government spending doesn’t buy happiness

Ottawa's child-care program simply shifted the form of care away from parents’ preference and towards the government-subsidized option.

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Ottawa and Washington wasted many billions during COVID

Overpayment recipients included 1,522 prisoners, 391 dead people and 434 children too young to be eligible.

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No, you won’t tame inflation with more government spending

We’ve seen a steady erosion of per-capita GDP growth and persistent government deficits.