quebec debt

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Legault government recorded two highest years of spending in Quebec since 1965
The province's debt interest costs are expected to grow to $11.1 billion by 2027/28 or almost 10 per cent of total revenue.

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Ontario surpasses Quebec in 'debt' race to the bottom
Ontario’s debt-to-GDP ratio is forecasted to be 40.4 per cent.

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Ontario’s debt grew by 107 per cent over 10 years.

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Ontario has seen its share of total provincial net debt rise to 51 per cent.

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Ontario plans to add approximately $34 billion in new debt over the next three years.

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Nous sommes souvent amenés à croire à tort que la dette publique n'a pas d'importance.

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Ontario and Quebec, Canada’s two largest provinces, recently released their fall updates on the state of government finances.

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As recent as 2009/10, Quebec’s per-person net debt burden was approximately $4,400 higher than Ontario’s. That gap is projected to be just $1,100 this year.