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Government Spending & Taxes

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Budget contained no plan to offset the dramatic increase in business taxes associated with reintroducing the Provincial Sales Tax a few years ago.

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While saying the public sector should focus more on outcomes, McGuinty refuses to look at the end results of his policies for Ontario’s economic performance.

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Prime Minister Trudeau recently mused that not only will the $10 billion deficit ceiling be broken, but the return to a balanced budget by 2019/20 is now in question.

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While the overall federal transfer “pie” has grown significantly over the past decade, Ontario’s “slice” has also grown larger.

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Despite avoiding annual budget deficits Clark has allowed government debt to grow.

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In his autobiography, McGuinty discusses how his first act as premier was to break his election promise and raise taxes.

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By the Ontario government’s own count it has 380,000 regulations on the books, twice as many as the next province.

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This year, Ontario is projected to run its eighth consecutive budget deficit, which will be approximately $7.5 billion.

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Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne has reiterated her government’s commitment to push ahead with a provincial pension plan.

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The federal government may speed up spending on infrastructure projects in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

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