Fraser Forum

Government Spending & Taxes

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Federal finances ‘careening downhill’ fast
The federal net debt may rise from $812.9 billion in 2019-20 to more than $1.4 trillion by 2025-26.

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Making sense of Canada’s $381.6 billion federal budget deficit

Eliminating the entire equalization program this year would reduce the federal deficit by only 5.4 per cent.

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Our aging population—a serious problem for Canada

The share of the population over 65 is projected to grow from about 18 per cent to nearly 26 per cent.

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Insights from the Text of the Throne Speech

The Trudeau government sees the government itself as the driver of prosperity, and the private sector, including entrepreneurs, small business owners and investors playing a secondary role.

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Throne speech brings bigger government, more fiscal challenges

Ottawa plans to create a national childcare system and introduce more “green” spending initiatives.

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Guaranteed annual income—the challenges of implementation

The fundamental idea is for government to ensure a minimum annual income for all Canadians.

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Trudeau government eyeing massive new social programs

The federal budget deficit in 2020-21 is an esitmated $343.2 billion.

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Ottawa has spent billions on its innovation agenda including $950 million to five hand-picked sectors of the economy.

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Expanding government won’t help Canada’s recovery

If Prime Minister Trudeau keeps his commitment to no new taxes, borrowing will finance the proposed expansion.

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