Detmar Doering

Dr. Detmar Doering is Director of the Liberales Institut (Liberty Institute) of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation in Potsdam, Germany. He studied philosophy and history at Cologne University, where he earned a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy in 1990, and at University College London. He has published several books. Among them are Kleines Lesebuch über den Liberalismus (ed. Translated into 18 languages. English translation: Readings in Liberalism, published by the Adam Smith Institute) (1992); Frédéric Bastiat: Denker der Freiheit (1997); The Political Economy of Secession (ed., with Jürgen Backhaus) (2004); Globalisation: Can the Free Market Work in Africa? (2007); and Freedom, the Rule of Law, and Market Economy (2011). He has also published numerous articles in German and international academic journals and daily newspapers on economic, political, and historical subjects. Since 1996, Dr. Doering has been a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.

Recent Research by Detmar Doering

— Jan 8, 2013
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This project, sponsored by Canada’s Fraser Institute, Germany’s Liberales Institut, and the United States’ Cato Institute, focuses on creating the first comprehensive and conceptually consistent index of freedom, including economic freedom, and is based on the “negative” definition of freedom—in other words, the absence of barriers or coercion that prevent individuals from acting as they might wish.