Inflationary gains represent a significant share of the capital gains Canadians are currently realizing.
Government Spending & Taxes
From 1993 to 2023, health-care wait times have increased by 198 per cent.
Under Prime Minister Trudeau, annual per-person economic growth has averaged just 0.3 per cent.
According to projections, the federal debt will increase by nearly 20 per cent over the next four years.
The size of the federal government has expanded by more than one quarter in a decade.
Only two provinces plan to run budget surpluses this year.
Municipal government spending in the province has grown 2.5 times faster than general inflation and two times faster than population.
In 2024/25, federal program spending will reach a projected $483.6 billion—up $16.1 billion from the previous budget’s estimates.
Support for government-funded pharmacare, dental care and daycare plummeted to well below 50 per cent if the programs are paid for by tax hikes.
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