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Ford government gets second chance to repair Ontario’s finances

According to forecasts, the province’s net debt will eclipse $468 billion by 2024/25.

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Ottawa expanding its share of government spending in Canada

In 2020, the federal expenditure share jumped to 40 per cent.

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Deficits come with costs—especially for future generations

The federal government projects a budget deficit of $52.8 billion for 2022.

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Ottawa’s short-sighted changes will hurt charitable foundations and charities

Many foundations in Canada will struggle to increase their charitable spending so quickly.

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Future generations of Canadians will pay for today’s deficit spending

The federal government projects a $52.8 billion budget deficit for 2022/23.

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Size of government—a pre-pandemic problem

Government spending represented 40.4 per cent of the country's economy in 2019, up from 37.4 per cent in 2007.

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Latest agreement leaves Bank of Canada’s responsibilities unclear

The 2021 agreement introduced a new goal—that monetary policy should also support maximum “sustainable” employment.

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Operating deficits just part of Ontario’s debt story

Annual debt growth has increased substantially since 2018 when the Ford government took office.

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