The notion that women face wage discrimination of anything approaching the magnitude of 30-cents-on-the-dollar (tantamount to a 30 per cent wage gap) has been widely discredited.
Blog - Fraser Forum
With independent school enrolment rising even as the school-age population shrinks, the share of students enrolled in independent schools is growing all across the country.
U.S. President Calvin Coolidge said in 1925 that “The chief business of the American people is business,” a line often mis-quoted as “The business of America is business.” No Canadian prime minister has ever dared be so pro-business.
Forecasting oil prices is fraught with difficulty, so it's imperative that the government use the most reliable and up-to-date estimates available.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found no evidence that hydraulic fracturing led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources.
While the headlines on Alberta’s recent budget focused on the planned $6.1 billion deficit this year, the reality is that the true deficit will be even larger.
Authors Fink and Cranor consistently find ways to take the most ordinary parts of our lives, crack them open, and find the weirdness within.
In addition to spending increases, the Notley government is proposing new tax increases on top of the hikes to personal and corporate income taxes that have already come into effect.
More than six years after the recession of 2008-09, eight out of 10 provinces (including Alberta, which released its budget yesterday) are currently in deficit, and the newly formed federal government has committed to falling back into deficit.
Today's Alberta budget forecasts a $6.1 billion deficit for this fiscal year, and the province is on track to record 10 budget deficits in 11 years.
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