The main features of both the Bush plan and Trump plan encompass substantial cuts in personal and corporate income tax rates, reductions in the number of tax brackets and the elimination of specific exemptions and deductions.
Blog - Fraser Forum
New research suggests that certain types of childcare can bring substantial, long-lived disadvantages to children.
When you’re in a recession, one of the key signs is that employment is either stagnant or falling.
In Vancouver, residents not only pay higher taxi prices compared to most other Canadian cites, but they also pay considerably higher prices when compared to the U.S.
Naomi Klein’s anti-capitalist vision for the future may allow for only a few lucky high-flyers.
Some countries have high domestic levels of innovation but unequal outcomes while others have lower domestic levels of innovation but more egalitarian outcomes.
While culture and the arts may appear to be relatively small budget items this election season, the political appeal of arts funding is important in many ways.
Today, the Alberta government is hiking the minimum wage from $10.20 to $11.20, as part of its plan to raise the rate to $15 per hour by 2018.
Health insurers enter and exit markets all the time—they aren't prevented from offering plans in other states.
The current election campaign has seen a lot of attention focused on balancing the federal budget and the size of the federal deficit. Perhaps some historical perspective will better inform the debate.
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