Patients will simply bypass the Canadian system entirely by having virtual consultations with doctors abroad.
Blog - Fraser Forum
Inflationary gains represent a significant share of the capital gains Canadians are currently realizing.
Patients in the province faced a 34.8-week wait to receive neurosurgical treatment.
From 1993 to 2023, health-care wait times have increased by 198 per cent.
Nighttime light is artificial so its level should depict—all else being equal—levels of development.
Australia’s health-care system costs less than Canada’s yet delivers more rapid access to health-care services.
Canada ranked 25th of 29 comparable countries with universal health care on the number of MRIs.
The problem with the present system is that no one loses any money when tragedies strike.
Canada’s personal income and business tax rates are uncompetitive compared to other advanced economies.
The government wants to make speech crimes punishable by house arrest, jail time or electronic monitoring.
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