Those who live in the freest jurisdictions in the world earn more than three times as much as those in the least-free.
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Albertans contributed about 16 per cent of total CPP contributions but received only 12 per cent of total CPP benefits.
The province's post-1990 average per-capita annual income growth rate was barely one-quarter that of its 1960 to 1990 rate.
According to polling data, 80 per cent of Canadians don’t want average families to pay more than 40 per cent of their income in taxes.
More than 60 per cent of lower-income families now pay higher federal income taxes.
The province's average wait time for health care grew from 18.5 weeks in 2008 to 33.5 weeks in 2023.
The Economic Freedom of the World index has grown to cover several dozen indicators in 165 countries.
The median wait in 2023 for an MRI was 12.9 weeks—two weeks longer than last year.
In 2022, the province’s population grew by 29,307 people while only 3,479 new homes were built.
Energy alone supplied 27 per cent of Canada’s merchandise exports—and 23 per cent of total exports—last year.
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