The province's revenues could be up to $28 billion higher over the next two years.
alberta budget
Without the recent resource revenue windfall, the province would still face a large deficit this year.
A boost in projected revenues this year have reduced the expected deficit for 2021/22, but this will only provide a small amount of relief.
Between 2008/09 and 2019/20, the province's net debt increased by $71.8 billion.
The province's net debt will reach a projected $102.1 billion by 2023/24.
A reliance on non-renewable resource revenue has caused trouble for the provincial finances for decades.
The provincial government ran deficits in 12 of the past 13 years.
Of the Alberta government's $54.3 billion in total spending, 50 per cent was on wages and benefits for government workers.
Alberta's new budget projects a $18.2 billion deficit in 2021/22.