alberta's finances

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Alberta’s finances still rapidly eroding

By 2022/23, the province will have accumulated an estimated $46.6 billion in net debt.

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Kenney buys another ticket for the resource roller-coaster
From 2014 to 2015, Alberta’s non-renewable resource revenue collapsed from $8.9 billion to $2.8 billion.

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Any ‘Fair Deal’ for Alberta requires fundamental rethink of fiscal federalism in Canada

Between 2007 and 2018, Alberta workers contributed a net $12.3 billion to employment insurance.

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Alberta’s reform budget in perspective

The budget includes a 1.6 per cent nominal spending reduction over four years.

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Alberta ready for another ride on the Resource Revenue Roller-coaster

Last year, the province ran a $6.7 billion operating deficit.

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Alberta’s era of fiscal complacency is over

The Kenney government plans to reduce spending by 1.6 per cent over four years.

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Alberta’s budget at a glance

Additional spending reductions would have created additional fiscal room for pro-growth tax reform.

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To balance the budget, Alberta must ditch it’s big-spending ways

Per-person spending in Alberta last year was 18.5 per cent higher than in next-door B.C.

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Spending cuts—not tax hikes—to balance Alberta’s budget

Alberta spent $2,451 per person more than the average spent by the three largest provinces.