Over the last few years, GHG emissions from the oilsands have comprised less than 0.15 per cent of global emissions.
albertas oil sands
Août 25, 2015
Ninety-nine per cent of pipeline occurrences from 2003 to 2013 didn’t damage the environment.
Novembre 4, 2014
Opponents of the oilsands and the Keystone XL pipeline present another dubious argument.
Février 13, 2014
Discussions surrounding the need for new pipelines to transport Canada's oil to market have been a dominant economic, environmental, and political issue for the past several years. Canada's overwhelming reliance on the United States as a customer, the U.S.'s growing energy self-sufficiency, and limited pipeline infrastructure have placed a low ceiling on the prices Canadians are able to secure for our energy exports.