Eighty-eight per cent of minimum-wage earners do not live in a low-income household.
canadian economy
Only 1.5 per cent of Canadians remained stuck in low income every year.
The word “pipeline” does not appear in the Wealth of Nations, but what the Danube is to ordinary shipping, pipelines now are to the delivery of oil and gas.
Prime Minister Trudeau recently said that infrastructure spending is “the key” to kick-starting Canada’s economy.
The main reason for the relatively slow increase in exports, notwithstanding the weak Canadian dollar, is the ongoing slow recovery of the U.S. economy.
Canada enjoyed an economic and fiscal renaissance starting in the mid-1990s that lasted more than a decade.
An "implicit tax" is implicit only in the sense that it doesn’t officially appear in the income tax code.
With a relatively weak Canadian economy, depressed commodity prices and the myriad of international economic issues (i.e. uncertainty in China), federal parties should offer solutions to the economic storm clouds on the horizon.
As everyone from the Manitoba-Ontario border to Tofino knows, the local and provincial economies, which depend on resource extraction, have slowed.
When French President Francois Hollande visited Canada recently, one hopes the Gallic leader looked around. If he did, he would have noticed a stark difference in the economic opportunities between the two countries with the advantages mostly on this side of the Atlantic.