The Trump administration is negotiating tax reform that could make the U.S. much more attractive for investment and skilled workers.
canadian economy
Mars 22, 2017
A higher tax rate will also reduce the rewards to entrepreneurial endeavours.
Mars 21, 2017
Capital gains tax revenue from individual Canadians amounts to $4.3 billion each year.
Mars 8, 2017
Governments in Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa have markedly increased government spending.
Mars 2, 2017
The Liberals will finance almost all of the new spending with borrowed money, resulting in an expected deficit of $27.8 billion this year.
Janvier 19, 2017
As the prime minister tours the country, he can see how his policies are making things worse—not better.
Décembre 19, 2016
In the U.S., we've seen more regulation, more constrained labour markets, higher taxation and less economic freedom.
Novembre 2, 2016
This week’s 2016 Economic Statement cut average growth to 1.7 per cent over the next five years.
Octobre 24, 2016
A mercantilist policy that simple-mindedly favours exports and discourages imports inevitably ends up suppressing real wages.