canadian tax system

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New capital gains hike won’t work as claimed but will harm the economy

Investors may delay selling capital assets because they anticipate a change in government and a reversal back to the previous inclusion rate.

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Tax gap growing between Canada and the U.S.

Canada had an overall tax-to-GDP ratio of 33 per cent.

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Canadian tax rates—diversity worthy of Tolstoy

The share of women in the top one per cent has almost doubled since 1982.

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More than 55 per cent of all federal, provincial, and local taxes are paid by the top 20 per cent of income earning families.

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The Ryan plan could incentivize high-income Canadians to relocate to the United States.

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Over the years, the federal government has shown a penchant for muddling the tax system with a myriad of tax credits, deductions, exemptions and exclusions. But tax expenditures—as they are collectively known—recently drew fire from Canada’s auditor general.

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Sliding oil prices and a weakening economy will slice into federal revenues and make it increasingly difficult for the government to balance its budget next year as planned.