Cutting emissions by 25 per cent would impose a permanent cost of about 2.0 per cent of GDP.
carbon taxes
Avril 16, 2021
The plan includes a “carbon price” between $20 per tonne and $50 per tonne on fuels.
Avril 12, 2021
A $170 per tonne carbon tax will cost the province an estimated 2,200 jobs.
Avril 7, 2021
A tax on businesses is paid by people who own the businesses.
Mars 18, 2021
Due to the higher tax, the province will lose an estimated 30,544 jobs by 2030.
Mars 16, 2021
Combined provincial, federal deficits will grow by about $22 billion annually due to carbon tax hike
A $170 carbon tax will also cost the average Canadian worker $1,800 in foregone income.
Février 18, 2021
Climate targets are irrelevant when determining whether a carbon tax is good policy.
Février 10, 2021
The Trudeau government’s plan includes a target of $170 per tonne.
Janvier 13, 2021
Ottawa raised $2.6 billion in revenue while only $1.97 billion—or 76 per cent—was rebated to households.