The data about extreme weather events often contradict the popular narrative.
climate change action plan
Mai 4, 2022
Forgoing two years of economic growth over the next eight decades doesn’t seem like an existential challenge.
Décembre 17, 2020
According to the Trudeau government plan, the carbon tax will reach $170 by 2030.
Août 16, 2019
Certain projections point to future damages that will hit people who are much wealthier than we are today.
Juin 7, 2019
Prime Minister Trudeau said the federal carbon tax will help protect Canadians from extreme weather.
Mars 28, 2018
The loudest voices believe that any environmental policy, no matter how extreme and costly, is never enough.
Juin 27, 2016
The government’s push for electric cars is an example of a policy that reduces emissions only minimally and at an unnecessarily high cost.
Juin 24, 2016
Rather than putting revenues from cap-and-trade back into the private economy through tax cuts, the government plans to fund a variety of pet projects.