economic freedom

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Still moving toward markets 30 years after the Berlin Wall

Eastern Europe's socialist economies opted for different paths to market liberalization.

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Hong Kong—withstanding the attack
Hong Kong booksellers who sold material banned in mainland China disappeared in 2014.

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The decline in economic freedom in Peru

Chile is the most economically free country in Latin America.

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How the Ford government can promote economic freedom in Ontario

Economic freedom benefits people throughout the income spectrum.

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Hong Kong fights for rule of law—and more

In China, the legal system is used to silence people who do not support the state.

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Trudeau government should promote economic freedom for women worldwide

Twenty countries in the world require, by law, that women obey their husbands or another male guardian.

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The Fraser Institute convened its fifth annual EFNA Network conference, “Communicating Economic Freedom to the Public, Press and Policymakers.”

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The tide of global freedom is receding—but there’s hope

Venezuela is now the poster country for economic disaster.