From 2015 to 2022, the federal bureaucracy grew by 27 percentage points.
federal deficits
After recording eight consecutive budget deficits, the Trudeau government plans to run at least five more.
According to budget forecasts, the federal government will run a $40.1 billion deficit this year.
According to forecasts, the federal deficit will eclipse $40 billion this year.
Rising interest rates will put additional pressure on federal finances.
In just two fiscal years, Indigenous spending increased by $4 billion.
Between 2016 and 2019, the Trudeau government recorded average economic growth of 2.1 per cent compared to 4.6 per cent during the Chrétien years.
Compared to fiscal year 2019-20, total federal spending in 2022-23 will be approximately 27 per cent higher.
At every opportunity, the government has spent unexpected revenue windfalls.
So-called "stimulus spending" displaces future private spending and reduces future economic growth.