free market
Imagine a nation, whose richest woman, with billions stashed away, is the daughter of the former president, whose family owns 17 country estates in his birth state.
Economic freedom is one of the main drivers of prosperity and growth, and the evidence shows that states with low levels of economic freedom reduce the ability of their citizens to prosper economically.
Western media interpreted the Arab Spring as a drive for democracy, but protesters were mainly motivated by lack of opportunity and jobs.
When there’s no competition for services such as welfare and unemployment insurance, there’s no market discipline forcing government bureaucracies to listen to its “customers.”
It was only after the creation of wealth that Florence was able to afford such ambitious artistic achievement.
There are billions more of us humans than there used to be and most of us are living far better than our species has ever lived.
If we eliminate all government-granted monopolies, people could compete with lawyers, even doctors.