greenhouse gas emissions

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Fast-growing developing countries will spur demand for oil for decades

Most estimates show continued growth in oil demand through 2040.

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Electric vehicles still not pulling their weight

Buyers can score rebates of up to $5,000 off the cost of EVs.

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Sobeys joins foolish war on plastic
Prime Minister Trudeau recently said Canada will ban some “single use” plastics by 2021.

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Despite court victories, carbon pricing hardly out of the woods

The federal carbon tax imposes a levy on sales of most combustible fuels.

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Report swings and misses at carbon price ‘myths’

Canada’s contribution of greenhouse gases comprises only 1.6 per cent of global emissions.

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Government meddling and increased air pollution

By eliminating road-pricing, Quebec reduced the cost of using an automobile and increased levels of air pollution.

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Time to rollback NDP’s onerous energy regulations

The government plans to spend Alberta’s carbon tax revenues on "energy efficiency" programs.

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Mayors hope to shake down energy companies

There's no basis for claiming that energy companies secretly concealed knowledge of climate risks.

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Activist ‘wall’ thwarting oil exports to countries other than the U.S.

The U.S. State Department found that Keystone XL would produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than oil-by-rail to the Gulf of Mexico.

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The flatulence of cows produces large quantities of greenhouse gases.