job security

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The trouble with governments 'defending' jobs

A government that favours employment should encourage the labour market to work as efficiently as possible.


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Closely linking January’s job losses to the Wynne government’s minimum wage hikes without recognizing other causes creates a dangerous precedent.

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As the Quebec government struggles to eliminate its deficit and rein in the largest debt burden in Canada, it has identified government-sector compensation as a way to restrain spending and balance the budget in 2015/16.

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As Alberta’s provincial and municipal governments grapple with declining oil revenues and a weakening economy, a sober review of government spending should be part of any belt-tightening initiative. One place to start is the compensation of government employees, a key spending item for all governments.

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When Alberta Premier Alison Redford took to the television screen the other night, she paid much attention to the revenue side of the government's books. On Alberta's massive budget deficit, the premier blamed the below-world price that Alberta-based companies receive for oil.