oil and gas

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The National Energy Board’s recent report helps answer some key 'oil to market' questions.

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Province’s net financial position could decrease by another $14 billion in 2016/17, making it a net debtor province.

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Annual cap on oilsands emissions means that once emissions hit prescribed threshold, no further development will be allowed.

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Between 2004/05 and 2014/15, Alberta’s provincial government increased program spending by nearly 100 per cent.

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If the province wants to seize new economic opportunities, it could ease the movement of skilled labour and improve Alberta’s tax competitiveness, among other things.

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Prime Minister Trudeau’s remarks at the World Economic Forum in Davo unfortunately reflect an attitude of discomfort with Canada’s resource economy.  

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The real “resource curse” is the way successive Alberta governments squandered revenues from resource development.

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The Alberta government can't control the price of oil, but it can control its policy environment, and recent policy changes have caused a decline in investor confidence.

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Western Canada heavy crude oil is largely captive to demand by U.S. refineries that are configured to process heavy crude oil.

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Canadians pay about twice the amount of tax on gasoline compared to Americans.