ontario deficit

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Dear Premier Ford, please look forward—not back

If the government exercises spending restraint, it can eliminate Ontario’s $15 billion deficit in roughly three years.

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Ontario’s economic challenges go beyond the deficit

Ontario once benefitted from some of the lowest power prices on the continent—not now.

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Spending discipline key to Ontario’s fiscal and economic success

Ontario holds more debt than any other sub-national government in the world.

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Balance Ontario’s budget now—not later

Ontario has a debt burden of more than $300 billion.

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How to start cleaning up Ontario's finances—fast

The FAO projects a deficit of $12 billion due to higher spending and weak revenue growth.

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Ford should get serious about Ontario’s deficit

At the end of this year, Ontario will have run 10 operating deficits in 11 years.

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What can Doug Ford learn from Jean Chretien

The province’s debt load will hit $325 billion this year.

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Will Ontario’s new government deal with our debt problem

The province is $325 billion in debt.