ontario government spending

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Ford government continues Wynne-like debt levels

Between 2018 and 2024, the Ford government will increase debt by a forecasted average of $20.7 billion annually.

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Ontario government poised to outspend predecessor

Governments often spend money today but promise more discipline in the future.

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Ontario’s finances are unsustainable

The province’s net debt will reach a projected $428.7 billion this year.

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Quebec continues to outperform Ontario on government debt

Ontario’s per-person government debt is 66.6 per cent higher than the weighted average of all other provinces.

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On government spending—Kenney kept his word, Ford did not

Between 2018/19 and 2022/23, the Ontario government expects a 6 per cent increase in inflation-adjusted per-person spending.

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Ontario clings to illusion of fiscal sustainability
Since 1990, the province's net debt-to-GDP ratio has grown from 13 per cent to 43 per cent.

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Ontario government can learn fiscal lessons from Alberta

Despite steep budget deficits, successive provincial governments have been unwilling to reduce spending.