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Reality check—Canadians remain mired in a recession

Canadian living standards are now lower than they were at the end of 2014.

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Deregulation can help Canada avoid or shorten recessions

Barriers to competition limit the incentives of firms to innovate, cut costs and expand their activities.

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Canada may avoid official ‘recession’ but comparative living standards continue to fall

While the Canadian economy recorded positive overall growth, per-person GDP actually declined.

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Recession may strike despite Canada’s low unemployment rate

The overall employment rate hasn’t recovered to 2019 pre-COVID levels.

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Canada and U.S. must make policy U-turns to mitigate recession

The federal government should undo regulations that impede large infrastructure projects including pipelines.

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Canadians relearning hard economic lessons of ’70s and ’80s

Persistent labour shortages are helping drive up costs.

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Will Ontario avoid another post-recession era of debt growth

In the recent past, the province's recessions have been followed by extended periods of debt growth.

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As Trudeau government tables budget, don’t be fooled by positive short-term economic news

Between 2016 and 2019, per-person GDP grew at an average annual rate of only 0.8 per cent.

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COVID will cast long shadow over future generations

An OECD study suggested a 3 per cent COVID-related lifetime loss in income.

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Scoring the economic performance of Canada’s last five prime ministers

The 2016-2019 period had the weakest economic performance of the five periods analyzed.