If the average person knows much about federal cash transfers to the provinces, they might know that one program, equalization, is in the constitution. Equalization, a $14.8 billion transfer program funded out of federal taxes, ends up in the coffers of six provinces: Quebec, with the largest share at $7.4 billion, and Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, who divvy up the rest.
transfer payments
Juin 3, 2012
For anyone who has paid attention to the student protests/riots in Quebec over the past few months and knows anything about the vast sums of money transferred between governments in this country, there has been no shortage of ridiculous demands from the Quebec students who are on strike. Demands include free tuition and an end to functioning free markets. But their sillinessnot shared by most students nor by all Quebecoishas been compounded by mythmaking from Quebec politicians about who ultimately foots the bill for so much of Quebecs existing poor economic policy.