vancouver city hall

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Squamish Nation’s bold housing plans put Vancouver City Hall to shame

Rather than decide how much parking residents should have, city hall should let residents decide for themselves.

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Mayor-elect Kennedy Stewart wants to reach 85,000 new housing units over 10 years.

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The imbalance between the number of available units and the number of would-be renters drives up rents.

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It takes 21 months (on average) for homebuilders to obtain building permits from Vancouver City Hall.

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There's plenty of room to grow upwards by adding more homes within the city’s existing urban footprint.

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Sharing best practices is an easy first step towards a more housing-friendly and affordable Lower Mainland.

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On average, it takes more than 15 months to get a permit to build a new housing unit in Vancouver.

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In 2014, Vancouver residents and businesses used about 21 million gigajoules of natural gas-derived energy.