wait lists

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The season finale of the popular U.S. drama Breaking Bad brought with it renewed interest in a viral internet meme that implicitly suggested that the entire story might not have taken place had the main character, Walter White, lived in Canada. The meme suggests that within minutes of being diagnosed with cancer, Walt's "free" treatments would begin the very next week.

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Get ready for Medicare’s annual summer slowdown, where the forecast calls for possibly poorer than usual service levels.

Every year, provincial health care systems across Canada dutifully reduce the volume of services they provide in preparation for the summer vacation season. This planned-for reduction has the inevitable effect of lengthening waiting times for Canadians over the summer months (and during Christmas holidays). The added twist this year is the slowdowns might be extended in a bid to reduce expenditures.

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With the deadline for filing income tax returns now passed, some Canadians may still be in shock at the size of their tax bills while others no doubt find solace in the belief that their taxes help pay for a high quality universal access health care system.

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Whenever talk of health care reform arises—and praise for European countries that combine universal coverage with more private sector involvement—a reflex inevitably kicks in. For some, it seems more privately-delivered or privately-insured health care is a policy choice akin to religious heresy. It’s almost as if government delivery and government insurance were an 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Only Provide Health Care via Taxes and the Public Sector.