Ergete Ferede
Professor of Economics, MacEwan University
Ergete Ferede is Professor of Economics at MacEwan University in Edmonton, where he has held an academic appointment since 2006. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Alberta. He has previously taught at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), University of Alberta, and University of Windsor. Dr. Ferede has been actively engaged in research on taxation policy and intergovernmental grants. He also conducts research on the efficiency costs of taxes, the effects of taxes on various economic activities, corporate income-tax policy, and tax reform. His research has been published in the National Tax Journal, International Tax and Public Finance, Small Business Economics, and Public Finance Review.
Authored by Ergete Ferede
| By: Bev Dahlby, Ergete Ferede and Jake Fuss
| By: Bev Dahlby and Ergete Ferede
| By: Ergete Ferede and Bev Dahlby
| By: Ergete Ferede and Bev Dahlby
| By: Bev Dahlby and Ergete Ferede
| By: Bev Dahlby and Ergete Ferede
| By: Bev Dahlby, Ergete Ferede and Jake Fuss
Appeared in the Appeared in Finances of the Nation
| By: Bev Dahlby and Ergete Ferede
| By: Bev Dahlby, Ergete Ferede and Jake Fuss