middle class

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Newfoundland and Labrador middle-income tax bite among biggest in Canada

To boost their after-tax income by $100, Newfoundlanders at the national average income must earn an additional $153.80 compared to $139.30 in B.C.

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Ottawa has a middle-class definition problem

The OECD defines the middle class as anyone earning between 75 per cent and 200 per cent of median household income after tax.

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Middle-class prosperity in Canada—some facts

Mona Fortier is the new “minister for middle-class prosperity.”

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How Canada STiKs it to the middle class

“STiK” is Ottawa’s acronym for “social transfer in kind."

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Families that previously used the income-splitting tax credit could pay up to $2,000 more in federal income taxes.

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The Trudeau government eliminated a number of tax credits, thereby increasing income taxes for some Canadians.