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The closing song at President Trump’s rallies raises some questions.

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Canada imposes complete government control over people's access to medically necessary care.

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Canadian Medicare did not start out as a national institution. It started in one province, Saskatchewan, and spread to others over the years.

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Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) the quality of health insurance plans in the United States has gone down, while premiums have gone way up.

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Insurers are losing lots of money, and it’s likely that few, if any, will be willing to provide Obamacare health plans beyond another year or two.

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Obamacare is riddled with income-tax cliffs, which are likely the main reason for the rise in part-time work in this weak recovery.

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Five years after the passage of Obamacare, the results suggest that re-thinking the specifics of the Obamacare reforms, and any potential additional reforms, will be needed.