ontario schools

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Busting the myth of Ontario's 'massive education cuts'

Between 2006/07 and 2015/16, per-student inflation-adjusted spending on public schools in Ontario increased by 18.5 per cent.

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Increased public school spending contributing to Ontario’s deficit

Over a decade, inflation-adjusted per-student spending rose by 18.5 per cent.

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Every school in Ontario is capable of improvement

The average school in our 2018 Report Card had a score of 2.7 out of 4.0 in Grade 6 math.

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Education reform must be on the table in Ontario

Ontario is one of only three provinces that deliver religious education in the public school system.

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A recent analysis found that Catholic school boards in Ontario are increasingly enrolling non-Catholic students.

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Ontario spent 23.4 per cent more per student in 2014/15 than it did a decade ago.

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Ontario is the only non-Atlantic province that doesn’t financially support independent schools.