pisa scores

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Ontario spends more on education while student test scores decline

Spending on public schools in Ontario increased from $25.5 billion to $27.9 billion.

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Overall average provincial scores drop in all three PISA test subjects

Three years later B.C. has fallen to fourth place in reading, science and math.

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Upcoming PISA results will shed light on student performance across Canada
Canada’s national math score dropped 16 points from 2003 to 2015.

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More spending doesn’t equal better results in government-run schools

PISA tests results are widely considered the global “gold standard” for measurement in this area.

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Reality check—smaller high school classes don’t improve student performance

Ontario’s larger classes will remain smaller than classes in Quebec and Alberta.

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Provide Schools Choice in Curriculum

The government monopoly on education curriculum eliminates diversity and experimentation that can lead to better methods of teaching.

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Per student education spending in Canada increased by 39 per cent in just over a decade.