Fraser Forum

Government Spending & Taxes

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Upcoming federal budget—get ready for massive spending increase

Canada's productivity growth and levels of business investment have been lacklustre for decades.

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Liberal/NDP pact promises ever higher federal spending

The NDP election platform called for per-person spending to reach $11,446 in 2022/23.

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Federal government contradicts own objectives by raising taxes on lower-income families

On average, couples with children in the bottom 20 per cent pay $318 per year more than they did previously.

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Fiscal sustainability—a good New Year’s resolution

Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland require the most policy action to correct their unsustainable fiscal trajectories.

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On the minimum wage, Ford once again follows Wynne’s lead

The Ontario government plans to increase the minimum wage to $15 in January.

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New COVID spending may do more harm than good

Several businesses, particularly in the service industry, are struggling to find workers.

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Trudeau’s record-high spending hasn’t translated into strong economic growth

During the Trudeau period, business investment actually declined by 0.2 per cent.

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Before adding new programs, Ottawa should consider what Canadians already pay for health care

The Trudeau government will likely expand the scope of our public health-care system and Canadian families will pay even more for public health care every year.

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New Federal Government Cannot Continue the Debt Binge

The new Liberal minority government should develop a credible plan to balance the budget and stop debt accumulation.

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Federal debt accumulation will disproportionately burden younger Canadians

Over a two-year span, Ottawa is expected to add more than $500 billion in federal debt.

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