health care wait times

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Nova Scotians still face longest health-care wait times in Canada

The province's median wait between referral from a family doctor and receipt of treatment was 56.7 weeks.

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Health-care wait times in New Brunswick nearly double national average

New Brunswickers who required medically-necessary surgeries endured a median wait for treatment of 52.6 weeks.

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Ontarians pay high price for health-care waits

Patients in the province face a median wait of 20.3 weeks for medically necessary care.

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B.C.’s health-care wait times only getting longer

Wait times in the province more than doubled from 10.4 weeks in 1993 to 25.8 weeks in 2022.

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Wait times for health care cost Albertans $600 million

An estimated 181,333 Albertans faced a median wait of 19.2 weeks between specialist consultation and treatment.

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Nova Scotia’s health-care wait times remain among longest in Canada

At 58.2 weeks, the province’s median wait time is more than double the national average.

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Courts mandate socialism to promote ‘fundamental justice’

According to the court, we must have equal distribution of medical resources, even if that prevents you from obtaining private care that would save your life.