canadian economy

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Reality check—Canadians remain mired in a recession

Canadian living standards are now lower than they were at the end of 2014.

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Federal government clearly misstates its economic record

Since 2015 Canada has posted some of the weakest economic growth numbers in half a century.

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IMF report spotlights Canada’s economic woes

Prosperity on a per-person basis has been stagnant since the mid-2010s.

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Cabinet shuffle won’t improve Canada’s weak economic performance

Canada’s average income per person is now lower than income levels in 41 U.S. states.

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Canada’s economy is not booming—it’s stagnating

While the population and federal spending have both risen significantly, growth in real incomes and living standards has stalled.

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Canada may avoid official ‘recession’ but comparative living standards continue to fall

While the Canadian economy recorded positive overall growth, per-person GDP actually declined.