income taxes

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Canadian families face larger tax burden than last year

In 2024, the average Canadian family earning $147,570 will pay an estimated $65,766 in total taxes.

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Ontarians face some of the highest income tax rates in North America

An individual making C$50,000 per year faces a higher income tax rate in Ontario than in every U.S. state.

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Canadians face bigger tax burden than you think

According to polling data, 80 per cent of Canadians don’t want average families to pay more than 40 per cent of their income in taxes.

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Case for tax hikes much weaker than you think

The federal government raised the top income tax rate from 29 per cent to 33 per cent.

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Taxes consume more than 45% of household income for average Canadian family

Expenditures on housing comprise less than half of what the average family pays in taxes.

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Ottawa should reduce role of income tax in revenue stream

Between 45 to 50 per cent of all federal revenue comes from the personal income tax.

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Federal government misleading Canadians about ‘fair share’ of taxes

The bottom 20 per cent of income-earning families pay 0.7 per cent of all federal and provincial personal income taxes.

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Most young Canadians don’t think high-income earners should pay more taxes

By raising top tax rates, the government discourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

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Contrary to rhetoric, many Canadians don’t support raising taxes on the ‘rich’

The top 20 per cent of income-earning households paid 61.4 per cent of the country’s personal income taxes in 2022.