
Résultats de la recherche

  1. High School Student Seminars

      BC, AB, SK Click here ON, QC Click here     0 ...

  2. Post Secondary Student Seminars

      BC, AB, SK Click here ON, QC Click here     0 ...

  3. Myth 5 – Expanding the CPP will help financially vulnerable seniors

    Finally, Canadians worry about financially vulnerable seniors. Surely expanding the CPP will help them have a more comfortable retirement? Unfortunately, it will not. To begin with, it is important to understand which group of seniors is most vulnerable. ...

  4. Myth 4 – The CPP produces excellent returns for individual contributors

    Some CPP expansion proponents point to the excellent returns earned by the Canada Pension Plan fund since 2000, implying that expanding the program would be a good deal for contributing Canadians. However, this claim conflates the returns earned by the ...

  5. Myth 3 – The CPP is a low-cost pension plan

    Another misleading argument made in favour of expanding the CPP is that it is a “low cost” pension plan. In reality, the operating expenses cited by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), which manages the CPP’s investments, cover only a ...

  6. Myth 2 – Higher CPP contributions will increase overall retirement savings

    A second key myth is that increasing the CPP will result in a net increase in overall retirement savings. Unfortunately, this is not true. Any increase in the CPP will be offset by lower savings in private accounts. Canadians choose how much they save and ...

  7. Myth 1 – Canadians aren’t saving enough for retirement

    A core argument for expanding the CPP is that Canadians are not currently saving enough for retirement. In fact, most Canadians adequately prepare for retirement—a conclusion reached by a major research working group created by Canada’s finance ministers ...

  8. Coup d’œil sur les Québécois qui votent avec leurs pieds

    Paru dans La Presse, 28 Juin 2016 L’observation des tendances migratoires des Canadiens peut nous en apprendre beaucoup sur ce qui fonctionne bien et moins bien au sein d’une province. Choisir de déraciner la famille, de se départir de biens, de faire ...

  9. Sabine El-Chidiac


  10. La migration interprovinciale au Canada: Les Québécois votent avec leurs pieds

    La migration (soit le déplacement effectué par les personnes d’un endroit vers un autre) peut constituer un indicateur efficace du succès ou de l’échec que connaît un territoire. L’une des raisons pour lesquelles la migration constitue un indicateur si ...