bc government spending

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B.C. taxpayers desperately need new fiscal approach from their government

The government’s projected debt will more than double over four years, from $60.7 billion to $128.8 billion.

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British Columbia’s finances go from bad to worse during Eby’s first full year

The government increased spending $3.5 billion beyond its original budget plan.

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More money won’t solve B.C.’s health-care crisis

Last year the province's median wait time between referral from a family doctor and treatment was 27.7 weeks.

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Federal government not alone in mismanaging finances—just look at British Columbia

By 2026/27, the province’s net debt will reach a projected $128.8 billion.

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Unelected premier driving B.C. government finances into the ground

This year the province will spend a projected $4.1 billion on debt interest costs.

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B.C.’s credit downgrades reflect government’s spending and debt binge

The government plans to overspend by $11.2 billion relative to its 2023 budget plan.

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Alberta and B.C. budgets represent two different approaches to government finances

According to projections, government debt interest will cost nearly $1,000 per British Columbian by 2026/27.