CPP benefits

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Debate continues over an Alberta pension plan—but here’s a key fact

Albertans contributed about 16 per cent of total CPP contributions but received only 12 per cent of total CPP benefits.

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Any reasonable CPP asset split would reduce contribution rates for Albertans
Albertans have paid significantly more into the CPP than its retirees have received in return.

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CPP tax hike hurts Canadian workers

Unlike an RRSP or TFSA, the CPP does not allow Canadians to withdraw money early.

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Canadians born after 1970 can expect a rate of return on their CPP contributions of between 2.3 per cent and 2.5 per cent.

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The program is designed so Canadians who die early in life subsidize those who live longer.

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For retirees born after 1993, the CPP rate of return will be a meagre 2.5 per cent.

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The rate of return Canadians—especially younger workers—will receive on their CPP contributions is meagre and will remain so even after expansion.

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In 2014, savings in non-pension assets totalled $9.5 trillion, dwarfing the $3.3 trillion assets in the formal pension system.

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Canadians may be forced to contribute up to an extra $3,250 more to the CPP each year.