economic freedom

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Orwellian may be the most misused adjective in the language. Just about anything qualifies, from security cameras to law-and-order legislation to the bonus scheme for the Pan Am Games.

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For almost 20 years, the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World report has highlighted the many benefits of economic freedom: more prosperity, faster and more sustained economic growth, higher income levels, faster reduction in poverty rates, even better air quality.

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Tunisia’s National Dialogue Quartet, a coalition of four civil society groups, richly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for shepherding Tunisia through turbulent times.

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Award-winning book examines role entrepreneurs play in growing an economy, how high levels of economic freedom increase the quantity and quality of entrepreneurship, and the decline of economic freedom in the U.S.

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With the eruption of ISIS in the Middle East and the ongoing autocracies in Russia and China, pause for a moment and think back to the last century and compare the challenges back then to now.

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The level of economic freedom in any given country is the product of fights between two types of politicians.

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The United States continues to suffer from a historically weak economic recovery. Monthly GDP and employment numbers remain near anemic. From a historical perspective the economy should be roaring by now given the pronounced contraction in 2008.