federal government spending

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Over the next five years, the federal government will add at least $113 billion in new debt with no plan for a balanced budget.

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The federal government has increased spending by 7.6 per cent this year alone.

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The new Canada Child Benefit program, and the expansion of the CPP, may hurt middle-income Canadians.

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Governments across Canada will spend millions on Canada Day celebrations in the next week or so.

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At $29.4 billion, the projected budget deficit in 2016/17 is larger than the cumulative budget deficits projected for the entire mandate in the Liberal platform.

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For the most part, the government did not decide to reform or cut low-priority spending or ineffective programs.

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Canadian headlines about government deficits and debt can be dizzying and hard for people to grasp. A few billion here and several billion there and the natural response is for one’s eyes to glaze over in despair. But the increasing government debt has tangible and immediate consequences that affect Canadian families today and into the future.