school choices

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More choice—not more money—will fix Saskatchewan schools

The province's student test scores declined by 38 points in math, 21 points in reading and 22 points in science.

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Party leadership hopeful makes erroneous claims about school choice in Alberta

If the government operates a short list of school options, it won’t provide the diversity many families require.

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More parental involvement in Alberta schools will benefit students

Teachers should leave their personal political views at home and focus on educating students.

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Families in other provinces enjoy more school choice than Ontario families

More school choice leads to more specialized and diverse schools for students.

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Ontario families deserve more school choice

The government should let parents decide where to direct their children’s education funding.

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Expand school choice to help end controversies over gender and other issues

In Ontario, the government provides no funding for independent schools.

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Don’t believe teachers' unions that say Ontario schools are underfunded

Ontario union leaders claim public education is underfunded and students are suffering as a result. But the data tell a different story.

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Empower parents, not the educational bureaucracy

The New Brunswick government will require parental consent before students under the age of 16 can change their names and gender identities at school.

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Ideology trumps merit in Toronto schools

Many public school boards are obsessed with erasing all differences between gender and racial groups.

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Alberta offers more school choice than any other province

The province has the highest percentage of students enrolled in homeschooling in the country.