Matthew D. Mitchell

Senior Fellow in the Centre for Economic Freedom, Fraser Institute

Matthew D. Mitchell is a Senior Fellow in the Centre for Economic Freedom. Prior to joining the Fraser Institute, Mitchell was a long-serving senior fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, where he remains an affiliated senior scholar. He is also a senior research fellow at the Knee Regulatory Research Center at West Virginia University.

Mitchell received his PhD and MA in economics from George Mason University and his BA in political science and BS in economics from Arizona State University. His writing and research focuses on economic freedom, public choice economics, and the economics of government favoritism.

Mitchell has testified before the U.S. Congress and several state legislatures. He has advised federal, state, and local government policymakers in the United States on both fiscal and regulatory policy. His research has been featured in numerous national media outlets, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, National Public Radio, and C-SPAN.

Recent Research by Matthew D. Mitchell

— Dec 14, 2023
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The Road to Freedom: Estonia’s Rise from Soviet Vassal State to One of the Freest Nations on Earth

The Road to Freedom: Estonia’s Rise from Soviet Vassal State to One of the Freest Nations on Earth finds that after Estonia ended socialist rule and transitioned back to a market democracy, Estonians enjoyed vast improvements in incomes, living standards and other key measures of prosperity.