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Strong Parental Support for Balance, Not Bias, and Parental Involvement in K-12 Classrooms

Strong Parental Support for Balance, not Bias, and Parental Involvement in K-12 Classrooms finds that, based on a new Leger poll, more than 4 in 5 parents (82% of) across Canada think K-12 teachers and schools should provide students with facts, not interpretations, and provide advance notice of controversial lessons while 76 % of parents agree that students should be presented both sides of controversial issues or avoided entirely, while 91 per cent of parents think classroom material and discussions should always be age-appropriate.

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The Growing Imperative for Internal Free Trade in Canada

The Growing Imperative for Internal Free Trade in Canada finds that the federal government should encourage the provinces to liberalize trade within Canada, especially given growing trade protectionism in the United States.

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Federal Support for Journalism

Federal Support for Journalism, by Senior Fellow Lydia Miljan, is the latest essay in the Institute’s series on federal policy reforms. It documents the changing media landscape in Canada in recent years, and highlights why federal subsidies for the industry are bad policy.

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ow Have Canadian Federal Governments Responded to Budget Deficits?

How Have Canadian Federal Governments Responded to Budget Deficits? is a new study that measures how Canadian federal governments have responded to budget deficits over the last 150 years. It finds that a delay in balancing the budget will require deeper spending cuts and higher tax hikes in the future than if the government balanced the budget now. Put simply, it is better if the federal government embarks on fiscal adjustment early on, rather than postponing deficit elimination.

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10 Years On—Revisiting the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative

10 Years On—Revisiting the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative finds that private clinics were a key component of the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative (SSI), established to tackle medical wait times for non-emergency but necessary surgical procedures including knee and hip replacements, which reduced waiting times in the province by 47 per cent between 2010 and 2014 (when the SSI was in place).

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Halfway Between Kyoto and 2050: Zero Carbon Is a Highly Unlikely Outcome finds that the federal government’s plan to achieve “net-zero” carbon emissions by 2050 is impractical and unrealistic.